Grammar! Nesta lesson você aprenderá como usar corretamente o definite article (artigo definido) the. Devido ao grande número de regras e exceções o uso deste artigo acaba ficando complexo para quem o estuda pela primeira vez, entretanto vai ficando mais simples após bastante prática. Ler livros, revistas e jornais importados é uma boa para aprender seus mais diversos usos e exceções:
Usa-se o artigo the:
com substantivos contáveis (aqueles que possuem formas no singular e no plural) e com substantivos não-contáveis (aqueles que só possuem forma no singular):
the book | o livro |
the books | os livros |
the rice | o arroz |
para se referir a algo já mencionado na frase anterior:
I saw a man and a woman yesterday. The man was short and the woman was tall. | |
quando se espera que a pessoa com quem estamos nos comunicando saiba sobre o que estamos nos referindo:
It's hot in here. Could you open the window, please? | |
quando algo pode ser identificado a partir de um contexto conhecido entre os interlocutores:
I must go to the post office. | Tenho que ir aos correios. |
The beach is full of people. | A praia está cheia de gente. |
antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais (podendo ser omitido em alguns casos):
She plays the piano. | Ela toca piano. |
antes de palavras que refiram-se a meios de comunicação:
Be quiet! I'm listening to the radio. | |
She is on the phone. I read about it on the Web. She is surfing the Internet. |
Em alguns casos o the poderá ser omitido:
There's a good program on TV tonight.
I saw that movie on cable TV.
para formar o superlativo:
the best book | o melhor livro |
the most expensive car | o carro mais caro |
com numerais ordinais geralmente seguidos de um substantivo: first, second, third, ... e next, last:
the first exercise | o primeiro exercício |
the last exercise | o último exercício |
com períodos do dia e da noite:
in the morning | de manhã |
in the afternoon | à tarde |
in the evening | à noite |
para se referir a algo que é único:
the moon | a lua |
the earth | a terra |
the sun | o sol |
com adjetivos usados para representar uma classe de pessoas:
the old | os idosos |
the rich | os ricos |
the Portuguese | os Portugueses |
the British | os Britânicos / os Ingleses |
Quando for falar de povos preste atenção pois as nacionalidades terminadas em -ese, -sh, -ss, -ch ficam sempre no singular, as demais no plural:
the British
the Portuguese
the Brazilians
the Germans
the Dutch
the Scottish
com nomes dos jornais:
the Times | o Times |
the Guardian | o Guardian |
quando se lê uma data, pois como já foi dito as datas devem ser lidas com os números ordinais:
(the) 10th (of) June | (the) 1st (of) July |
(the) 7th (of) August | (the) 3rd (of) October |
com sobrenomes no plural, indicando um grupo familiar:
the Smiths | os Smiths / a família Smith |
the Browns | os Browns / a família Brown |
para se referir a indivíduos, instituições, organizações com autoridade:
the Prime Minister | |
the Houses of Parliament | |
the Beatles | |
the University of Cambridge |
Não use o artigo the com
Nomes de países, estados, províncias, cidades e continentes:
I live in Brazil.
She comes from Canada.
1. Nomes de países no plural: the United States, the Bahamas, the Philippines, the Netherlands, the Occupied Territories, the United Kingdom, etc.
He comes from the USA.
Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands.
2. Nomes de países que possuam as palavras republic e union: the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, the European Union, etc.
3. Excepcionalmente, com nomes de algumas cidades: the Hague

the Far East, the Middle East
Israel is located in the Middle East.
Israel is located in the Middle East.
A maioria de nomes de lagos, lagoas e cadeia montanhas que estejam no singular.
Nomes de ruas (incluindo ruas numéricas: 15th Street...), avenidas, (incluindo avenidas numéricas: 5th Avenue...) alamedas e demais logradouros e nomes de parques e praças, estações de trem, metrô e ônibus, e aeroportos.
Nomes de revistas e demais publicações (exceto jornais) e nomes de estações de rádio e televisão.
I like reading Newsweek.
I love Reader's Digest.
Do you listen to CNN?
Can I check the news on Jovem Pan?
Nomes de companhias aéreas.
I have nothing bad to say about American Airlines.
British Airways is my favorite airline company.
Nomes próprios de pessoas.
Mary is my best friend.
Have you talked to Paul?
Meses do ano e dias da semana
My birthday is in January.
Monday is my favorite day of the week.
Pronomes possessivos e adjetivos possessivos
My pen is blue, yours is black.
Where is my book? And yours?
Nomes de esportes
I play tennis and volleyball.
Do you like swimming?
Generalizações (geralmente as generalizações são feitas com o substantivo no plural, caso o substantivo esteja no singular então será necessário o uso do the, mas essa opção é mais rara):
I think computers are essential nowadays.
Caso a generalização venha na forma substantivo + adjetivo:
I love the Japanese architecture.
Com as palavras home, college, church, work, bed, prison:
I like staying home on weekends.
She goes to college on Saturdays too.
Algumas outras regrinhas:
*Usar o the antes de nomes de rios, oceanos e mares:
oceanos: the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Pacific, the Antarctic, the Indic
mares: the Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the Dead Sea
rios: the Thames, the Amazon, the Seine
*Não usar o the antes de nomes de montanhas e montes:
Mount Everest, Mount Mckinley
Podendo haver algumas exceções, como: the Matterhorn
*Usar o the antes de nomes próprios de hotéis, cinemas, teatros, zoológicos,museus, galerias de arte, edifícios, e locais de eventos e espetáculos:
the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, the Sheraton Hotel, the Artis Zoo, the Royal Theater, the Empire State Building, the Sears Tower, the Eiffel Tower, the Radio City Music Hall, the Maracanã Stadium
*Usar o the antes de nomes de estátuas, quadros e demais obras de arte:
the Monalisa by Leonardo DaVinci
the Sunflowers by Van Gogh
the Statue of Liberty
*Não usar the antes de nomes de elementos químicos:
Water is made up of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.
* É opcional o uso do the antes das estações do ano:
in (the) spring
in (the) winter
in (the) summer
in (the) fall
in (the) autumn
*Não usar the quando o substantivo vier acompanhado por um número cardinal:
Apollo 13, page 8, book 2, flight 747
*Usar o the com nomes de fatos históricos:
the French Revolution, the Renaissance, the American Civil War
*Usar o the com os pontos cardeais:
São Paulo is in the southeast of Brazil.
oceanos: the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Pacific, the Antarctic, the Indic
mares: the Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the Dead Sea
rios: the Thames, the Amazon, the Seine
*Não usar o the antes de nomes de montanhas e montes:
Mount Everest, Mount Mckinley
Podendo haver algumas exceções, como: the Matterhorn
*Usar o the antes de nomes próprios de hotéis, cinemas, teatros, zoológicos,museus, galerias de arte, edifícios, e locais de eventos e espetáculos:
the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, the Sheraton Hotel, the Artis Zoo, the Royal Theater, the Empire State Building, the Sears Tower, the Eiffel Tower, the Radio City Music Hall, the Maracanã Stadium
*Usar o the antes de nomes de estátuas, quadros e demais obras de arte:
the Monalisa by Leonardo DaVinci
the Sunflowers by Van Gogh
the Statue of Liberty
*Não usar the antes de nomes de elementos químicos:
Water is made up of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.
* É opcional o uso do the antes das estações do ano:
in (the) spring
in (the) winter
in (the) summer
in (the) fall
in (the) autumn
*Não usar the quando o substantivo vier acompanhado por um número cardinal:
Apollo 13, page 8, book 2, flight 747
*Usar o the com nomes de fatos históricos:
the French Revolution, the Renaissance, the American Civil War
*Usar o the com os pontos cardeais:
São Paulo is in the southeast of Brazil.
Vocabulary! Aprenda agora alguns lugares que encontramos em uma cidade. Leia as definições e tente entender de que lugar se trata. Anote as palavras em destaque e procure pelo seu significado.
airport - the place you go when you want to travel by plane to another city.
bakery - you can buy fresh bread and cakes here.
bank - you deposit or withdraw / take out your money here. You can cash a cheque.
bookstore - a place where you can buy books and magazines.
bus station - the place you go when you want to travel by bus to another city.
butcher's - they sell fresh meat.
café - you can buy a cup of coffee and cakes or sandwiches.
church - a religious place of worship.
court - the place where they have trials and law cases. A judge works here.
craft market - a place that sells typical products (normally hand-made) of a region/country.
department store - a large store that sells clothes, household appliances etc. in sections.
cinema / movies - you can see the latest movies here. Many people eat popcorn while they're here.
fire station - the building where firemen keep their equipment including the fire-engine.
gas / petrol station - the place you go to put petrol (gas) in your car.
gym - you can do exercises, weight training and keep fit here.
hairdresser's - you go here when you want to have your hair cut.
hospital - you go here when you need a surgery or someone is going to have a baby.
hotel - where you sleep when you visit another city.
gallery - you can see paintings and other works of art.
jail / prison - criminals are sent here by a judge for a number of days or years.
laundromat / launderette - a place where you can wash your clothes in coin-operated machines.
library - a place where you can read and borrow books.
museum - you can see many old objects (and sometimes paintings).
pharmacy / drugstore - you can buy medicine and (legal) drugs.
police station - you are taken here when you break the law and are arrested.
pub - a place where you can buy a beer or other types alcoholic drinks.
park - an area of public land in a city that contains an area of grass where you can rest, play or walk your dog. Sometimes children can play on swings, a slide or a climbing frame here.
restaurant - you go here when you don't want to cook at home. They prepare meals for you.
school - a place where people go to learn. You normally start school at the age of 5.
square - an open area within a city in the shape of a square. It is usually the heart of the city.
supermarket - a large store that sells food, drinks and household items.
video store - you rent a movie or a DVD for a couple of days from this place.
zoo - a place where you can see many types of animals in cages.
bakery - you can buy fresh bread and cakes here.
bank - you deposit or withdraw / take out your money here. You can cash a cheque.
bookstore - a place where you can buy books and magazines.
bus station - the place you go when you want to travel by bus to another city.
butcher's - they sell fresh meat.
café - you can buy a cup of coffee and cakes or sandwiches.
church - a religious place of worship.
court - the place where they have trials and law cases. A judge works here.
craft market - a place that sells typical products (normally hand-made) of a region/country.
department store - a large store that sells clothes, household appliances etc. in sections.
cinema / movies - you can see the latest movies here. Many people eat popcorn while they're here.
fire station - the building where firemen keep their equipment including the fire-engine.
gas / petrol station - the place you go to put petrol (gas) in your car.
gym - you can do exercises, weight training and keep fit here.
hairdresser's - you go here when you want to have your hair cut.
hospital - you go here when you need a surgery or someone is going to have a baby.
hotel - where you sleep when you visit another city.
gallery - you can see paintings and other works of art.
jail / prison - criminals are sent here by a judge for a number of days or years.
laundromat / launderette - a place where you can wash your clothes in coin-operated machines.
library - a place where you can read and borrow books.
museum - you can see many old objects (and sometimes paintings).
pharmacy / drugstore - you can buy medicine and (legal) drugs.
police station - you are taken here when you break the law and are arrested.
pub - a place where you can buy a beer or other types alcoholic drinks.
park - an area of public land in a city that contains an area of grass where you can rest, play or walk your dog. Sometimes children can play on swings, a slide or a climbing frame here.
restaurant - you go here when you don't want to cook at home. They prepare meals for you.
school - a place where people go to learn. You normally start school at the age of 5.
square - an open area within a city in the shape of a square. It is usually the heart of the city.
supermarket - a large store that sells food, drinks and household items.
video store - you rent a movie or a DVD for a couple of days from this place.
zoo - a place where you can see many types of animals in cages.
Practice! Sem olhar nas palavras acima tente resolver a crossword abaixo. Será que você consegue lembrar todos os lugares?
Practice! Complete o texto abaixo escrevendo the se for necessário o uso do definite article ou x se não for necessário. Depois cheque suas respostas. Caso tenha cometido erros, leia novamente esta lesson e depois faça os exercícios que estão na área de downloads:
Hi John,
I arrived in USA last Monday. We left Rome, flew over Alps and made a quick stop in London. There we went shopping in Harrods, visited Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in Hyde Park. On the following day we left for New York. time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on monitor. people on plane were all Italian. Before we landed at JFK airport, we saw Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Empire State Building. hotel I stayed in was on corner of 42nd Street and 5th Avenue. I don't like hotels very much, but I didn't have time to rent an apartment.
Please say hello to Peter and Mandy.
I arrived in USA last Monday. We left Rome, flew over Alps and made a quick stop in London. There we went shopping in Harrods, visited Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in Hyde Park. On the following day we left for New York. time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on monitor. people on plane were all Italian. Before we landed at JFK airport, we saw Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Empire State Building. hotel I stayed in was on corner of 42nd Street and 5th Avenue. I don't like hotels very much, but I didn't have time to rent an apartment.
Please say hello to Peter and Mandy.
Hi John,
I arrived in the USA last Monday. We left x Rome, flew over the Alps and made a quick stop in x London. There we went shopping in x Harrods, visited the Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in x Hyde Park. On the following day we left for x New York. The time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on the monitor. The people on the plane were all x Italian. Before we landed at x JFK airport, we saw the Statue of Liberty, x Ellis Island and the Empire State Building. The hotel I stayed in was on the corner of x 42nd Street and x 5th Avenue. I don't like x hotels very much, but I didn't have x time to rent an apartment.
Please say hello to x Peter and x Mandy.
I arrived in the USA last Monday. We left x Rome, flew over the Alps and made a quick stop in x London. There we went shopping in x Harrods, visited the Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in x Hyde Park. On the following day we left for x New York. The time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on the monitor. The people on the plane were all x Italian. Before we landed at x JFK airport, we saw the Statue of Liberty, x Ellis Island and the Empire State Building. The hotel I stayed in was on the corner of x 42nd Street and x 5th Avenue. I don't like x hotels very much, but I didn't have x time to rent an apartment.
Please say hello to x Peter and x Mandy.
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Roberto Santos
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