Veja alguns exemplos. Clique no player abaixo para ouvir a pronúncia. Primeiro os interlocutores falarão normalmente, depois repetirão de forma mais devagar. Repita quantas vezes achar necessário:
A: Excuse me. Is there a grocery store around here?
A: Excuse me. Is there a grocery store around here?
(Com licença. Tem uma mercearia por aqui?)
B: Yeah. There's one right across the street.
(Sim. Tem uma do outro lado da rua.)
A: Can you tell me how to get to Phoenix?
(Você pode me dizer como eu chego na Phoenix?)
B: Sorry. I don't live around here.
(Desculpa. Eu não moro por aqui.)
A: Where's Tanner's Leather Shop?
(Onde fica a Tanner's Leather Shop?)
B: It's on the corner of Holly and Vine. Next to the library.
(Fica na esquina da Holly com a Vine. Ao lado da biblioteca.)
A: How do you get to the bank?
(Como eu chego ao banco?)
B: Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Maple Street. Stay on Maple for half a block. It's on the left hand side.
(Desça esta rua por duas quadras. Vire à esquerda quando você chegar na rua Maple. Mantenha-se na Maple por meia quadra. Fica do lado esquerdo.)
Pocket-toon! Veja a tirinha abaixo e aprenda mais expressões.
to be stuck = estar preso, sem poder mover-se
I'm stuck in the traffic jam.
(Estou preso no trânsito.)
I'm stuck in the traffic jam.
(Estou preso no trânsito.)
loser = perdedor, fracassado
He's a loser.
(Ele é um fracassado.)
He's a loser.
(Ele é um fracassado.)
schmuck = idiota, imbecil
My boss is such a schmuck.
(Meu patrão é um baita imbecil.)
Aprenda algumas expressões básicas:
Asking for directions
Could you tell me how to get to (… the bank)?
Você poderia me dizer como eu chego ao (... banco)?
Pardon me, I'm lost, how do I get to (…the bank)?
Com licença, eu estou perdido, como eu chego ao (... banco)?
Which is the best route to (…Phuket Town)?
Qual é o melhor caminho para a (...Phuket Town)?
Could you direct me to (…the beach)?
Você poderia me guiar para (... a praia)?
Which way do I go to get to (…the hospital)?
Por qual caminho chego ao (... hospital)?
Where's (... the park)?
Onde fica (... o parque?)
Giving directions
Go straight ahead. / Go ahead. / Go on.
(Siga em frente.)
Go down / Go straight down - Go up / Go straight up
(Desça / Suba)
It's on your left. / It's on your right.
(Fica à sua esquerda. / Fica à sua direita.)
Turn left. / Turn right.
(Vire à esquerda. / Vire à direita.)
It's about 50 kilometers.
(Fica daqui a 50 kilometros.)
Walk for three blocks.
(Ande por três quadras.)
Cross the street.
(Atravesse a rua.)
It's on / at the corner of First and Second.
(Fica na esquina da First com a Second.)
It's in the middle of the block.
(Fica no meio da quadra.)
Drive south on 4233.
(Dirija ao sul pela 4233.)
It's next to the bank.
(Dirija ao sul pela 4233.)
It's next to the bank.
(Fica ao lado do banco.)
It's behind the post office.
(Fica atrás dos correios.)
It's between the café and the library.
(Fica entre a cafeteria e a biblioteca.)
It's in front of the park.
(Fica em frente ao parque.)
It's opposite / across from the hotel.
(Fica do outro lado da rua em frente ao hotel.)
It's on Village Street.
(Fica na rua Village.)
i-Pocket Pod! Você conhece a cantora Cher? Leia um pouco sobre a vida dela e depois faça a atividade proposta.

Cher began her career at the age of seventeen and came to prominence as one half of the pop rock duo Sonny & Cher with the success of their song "I Got You Babe" in 1965. She subsequently established herself as a solo recording artist, and became a television star in the 1970s with the variety show The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour, for which she won a Golden Globe Award. A well received performance in the film Silkwood earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 1984. In the following years, Cher starred in a string of hit films including Mask, The Witches of Eastwick, and Moonstruck, for which she won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1988.
Cher is the only female solo artist to reach the Top Ten of the Billboard Hot 100 in each of the previous four decades. Her hit dance single "Believe" is her biggest-selling recording and was the best-selling single of 1999, having sold over 10 million copies worldwide. She holds the Hot 100 record for the longest hit-making career span, with 33 years between the release of her first and most recent #1 singles, in 1965 and 1998. Cher ended her 3-year-long "Farewell Tour" in 2005 as the second most successful tour by a female solo artist of all time.
With a career lasting over 40 years, Cher has sold over 100 million records worldwide. After a three-year hiatus and retirement from touring, Cher returned to the stage in 2008 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas where she is currently performing her show Cher at the Colosseum.
Assista ao vídeo da música "Walking in Memphis", Cher no i-Pocket Pod e depois ouça novamente para completar as lacunas.
Put on my suede shoes
"Walking In Memphis"
Put on my suede shoes
And I boarded the
Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues
In the of the pouring rain
W.C. Handy, won't you look down over me?
Yeah, I got a class ticket
But I'm as blue as a can be
Then I'm walking in Memphis
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I feel the way I feel?
Saw the of Elvis on Union Avenue
Followed him up to the of Graceland
I watched him right through
Now security, they not see him
They hovered 'round his tomb
There's a pretty thing waiting for the King
Down in the Jungle Room
When I was walking in Memphis
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I feel the way I feel?
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale (Walk)
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
But do I feel the way I feel?
They got catfish on the
They got in the air
Reverend Green be glad to you
you haven't got a prayer
Boy, you've got a in Memphis
Now Gabriel plays
Every at the Hollywood
And they brought me to see him
They me if I would
Do a little ?
And I with all my might
He said, "Tell me, are you a Christian, ?"
And I said, "Man, I am ."
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale (Walk)
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
But do I feel the way I feel?
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale (Walk)
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
But do I feel the way I feel?
Put on my suede shoes
Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues
In the of the pouring rain
W.C. Handy, won't you look down over me?
Yeah, I got a class ticket
But I'm as blue as a can be
Then I'm walking in Memphis
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I feel the way I feel?
Saw the of Elvis on Union Avenue
Followed him up to the of Graceland
I watched him right through
Now security, they not see him
They hovered 'round his tomb
There's a pretty thing waiting for the King
Down in the Jungle Room
When I was walking in Memphis
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I feel the way I feel?
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale (Walk)
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
But do I feel the way I feel?
They got catfish on the
They got in the air
Reverend Green be glad to you
you haven't got a prayer
Boy, you've got a in Memphis
Now Gabriel plays
Every at the Hollywood
And they brought me to see him
They me if I would
Do a little ?
And I with all my might
He said, "Tell me, are you a Christian, ?"
And I said, "Man, I am ."
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale (Walk)
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
But do I feel the way I feel?
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale (Walk)
Walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis)
But do I feel the way I feel?
Put on my suede shoes
blue - plane - middle - first - girl - really - ghost - gates - walk - did - just - little - really - really - table - gospel - see - when - prayer - piano - Friday - down - asked - number - sang - child - tonight - really - really - blue
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Roberto Santos
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