Sunday, October 4

L 0009: Simple Past & Adverbs

Grammar! Você já aprendeu o verbo to be no simple past na lição anterior, agora você verá o que acontece com os outros verbos. Existem dois tipos de verbos no simple past: os que são irregulares e os que são regulares. Para saber distinguir se o verbo é um ou outro é preciso memorizar a lista de verbos irregulares. A lista não é das menores, mas estudando uns 10 verbos por dia você conseguirá adquirir um grande número de verbos ao final de uma semana. Sabendo os irregulares, formar os verbos relugares é fácil, basta acrescentar -ed ao final deles. Veja:

work = worked / play = played / study = studied / start = started / finish = finished

Os verbos regulares terminados em -y com uma consoante antes, perderão o -y e no lugar ganharão -ied. Como é caso do verbo study = studied

Verbos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante, repete-se a última consoante:

stop = stopped / tap = tapped 

Verbos terminados em -e, recebem apenas -d:

dance = danced

Abaixo você tem a tabela dos verbos mais comuns. A primeira forma é o verbo no infinitivo, a segunda é o simple past e a terceira é o past participle que você aprenderá em lições futuras. Para ouvir a pronúncia, clique no player e siga lendo os verbos.

be / was-were / been
let / let / let
beat / beat / beaten
lie / lay / lain
become / became / become
light / lit / lit
begin / began / begun
lose / lost / lost
bite / bit / bitten
make / made / made
blow / blew / blown
mean / meant / meant
break / broke / broken
meet / met / met
bring / brought / brought
pay / paid / paid
build / built / built
put / put / put
buy / bought / bought
read / read / read
catch / caught / caught
ride / rode / ridden
choose / chose / chosen
ring / rang / rung
come / came / come
rise / rose / risen
cost / cost / cost
run / ran / run
cut / cut / cut
say / said / said
do / did / done
see / saw / seen
draw / drew / drawn
sell / sold / sold
drink / drank / drunk
send / sent / sent
drive / drove / driven
shine / shone / shone
eat / ate / eaten
shoot / shot / shot
fall / fell / fallen
show / showed / shown
feel / felt / felt
shut / shut / shut
fight / fought / fought
sing / sang / sung
find / found / found
sit / sat / sat
fly / flew / flown
sleep / slept / slept
forget / forgot / forgotten
speak / spoke / spoken
get / got / got
spend / spent / spent
give / gave / given
stand / stood / stood
go / went / gone
steal / stole / stolen
grow / grew / grown
swim / swam / swum
hang / hung / hung
take / took / taken
have / had / had
teach / taught / taught
hear / heard / heard
tear / tore / torn
hide / hid / hidden
tell / told / told
hit / hit / hit
think / thought / thought
hold / held / held
throw / threw / thrown
hurt / hurt / hurt
understand / understood / understood
keep / kept / kept
wake / woke / woken
know / knew / known
wear / wore / worn
leave / left / left
win / won / won
lend / lent / lent
write / wrote / written

Note que o verbo read apesar de manter sua forma escrita muda de pronúncia no simple past e past participle

Usamos o simple past para falar sobre ações ocorridas e finalizadas em um tempo passado.

Os verbos no passado são iguais para todas as pessoas, não mudam em nada. Veja:

I worked a lot yesterday.
She worked a lot last night.
They worked a lot two weeks ago.
He worked a lot last weekend.

Mary saw me last night in the club.
Jack and Peter went to the beach.
Jeff gave me a present.
Julia and I played baseball last weekend.

Lembrando que o verbo to be foi visto antes e ele é o único verbo com formas diferenciadas para cada pessoa.

Para fazer a forma negativa usaremos o auxiliar didn't (did not) e para a interrogativa did, para todas as pessoas. Com o verbo to be não usamos auxiliar, veja na L 0008 como fazer a negativa e interrogativa do verbo to be. Veja:

Janet sang a beautiful song yesterday.
Janet didn't sing a beautiful song yesterday.
Did Janet sing a beautiful song yesterday?

Perceba que o verbo volta a sua forma normal quando usamos o verbo auxiliar. Veja mais exemplos:

Chris studied English last weekend.
Chris didn't study English last weekend.
Did Chris study English last wekend?

You started an English course two months ago.
You didn't start an English course two months ago.
Did you start an English course two months ago?

Marilyn brought a cake to the party.
Marilyn didn't bring a cake to the party.
Did Marilyn bring a cake to theparty?

Para responder perguntas feitas no passado, podemos fazer como no simple present, usar respostas curtas ou completas. Veja:

Did you go to the cinema last night?
Yes, I did.
No, I didn't.
Yes, I went to the cinema last night.
No, I didn't go to the cinema last night.

Lembre-se que na resposta curta não usamos o verbo principal, somente o verbo auxiliar. 

Como você pode perceber o simple past não é complicado, pois o verbo uma vez no passado é igual para todas as pessoas, diferentemente do Português que temos uma conjugação para cada pessoa. O maior problema é decorar a lista de verbos irregulares, mas fica a dica: estude pelo menos 10 verbos por dia, escreva frases com eles, faça uma lista em um papel e todo dia releia os do dia anterior e acrescente mais alguns.

Vocabulary! Nem tudo que termina em -ed é verbo no passado. Muitos adjetivos são formados com -ing ou -ed no final. Veja alguns:

bored - boring
(chateado - chato)
frustrated - frustating
(frustrado - frustrante)
excited - exciting
(excitado - excitante)
interested - interesting
(interessado - interessante)
frightened - frightening
(assustado - assustador)
exhausted - exhausting
(exausto - exaustivo)
fascinated - fascinating
(fascinado - fascinante)
tired - tiring
(cansado - cansativo)
stimulated - stimulating
(estimulado - estimulante)
terrified - terrifying
(aterrorizado - aterrorizante)
confused - confusing
(confuso - confuso)
disgusted - disgusting
(enojado - nojento)
disappointed - disappointing
(decepcionado - decepcionante)
depressed - depressing
(deprimido - deprimente)
surprised - surprising
(surpreso - surpreendente)

Aí vem a pergunta. Qual a diferença?!
Usamos os adjetivos terminados em -ed para expressar que algo exterior nos faz sentir de uma certa forma. Veja:

I'm bored because I have nothing to do.
I'm disappointed because I had a bad grade in my test.
She's depressed because she broke up with her boyfriend.
He's tired because he worked a lot. 

Já os adjetivos terminados em -ing são usado para descrever algo ou alguém da forma que ela é.

He's so boring.
This book is fascinating.
That movie is so confusing.
History classes are interesting.

Então não pense que tudo que termina em -ing ou -ed é verbo.

Grammar! Até agora você já aprendeu três tempos verbais: simple present, present continuous e o simple past. É preciso conhecer alguns adverbs usados com esses tempos verbais. Veja:

Simple Present - Adverbs of Frequency








hardly ever

É importante colocar os advérbios na posição correta. No simple present o advérbio de frequência vem antes do verbo principal ou após o verbo to be (como sempre o verbo to be é uma excessão). 

I usually get late at school.
I never eat pizza.
I sometimes go to the movies.
She hardly ever plays tennis.
Peter and Mary often drink beer.

I am always late.
She is never at home.
They are sometimes in that pub.

Algumas expressões vão no final da frase. Veja:

once a week 
(uma vez por... semana, mês...)
twice a month 
(duas vezes por... semana, mês...)
every Sunday
(todo... sábado, domingo...)
on Saturdays
(aos... sábados, domingos...)
every day  
(todo dia - escreve-se separado, pois everyday é um adjetivo que significa diário / cotidiano = everyday news: notícias cotidianas)
once in a blue moon 
(expressão que significa muito raramente)

I go to school every day.
I play soccer twice a week.
I go to Paris once in a blue moon.
I work on Fridays.
I go to the club every Saturday.

Para perguntar com que frequência alguém faz algo use "How often...?" Veja:

How often do you play soccer?
I never play soccer.

How often do you study English?
I study English twice a week.

How often do you go to the club?
I hardly ever go to the club.

Não é necessário dar respostas completas, pode-se dizer apenas o advérbio. Veja:

How often do you go to the club?
Twice a week.
Once in a blue moon.

Present Continuous

O present continuous representa ações do momento, então os advérbios mais comuns são: now e at the moment / at this moment

I am eating a pizza now.
She is taking a bath at the moment.
Susan and Michael are on the phone at this moment.

Simple Past

two years ago
(dois anos, cinco semanas... atrás)
last month
(ano, mês... passado)
the day before yesterday
(antes de ontem)

Esses advérbios são usados no final da frase. 

I studied a lot yesterday.
I went to New York last year.
I cooked dinner two weeks ago.

A posição dos advérbios apesar de ter uma regra podem sofrer alterações e aparecer em outras posições como no início de uma frase. Veja:

Yesterday, I went to the mall.
Sometimes I call my brother.

É sempre bom seguir as regras acima, mas com certeza aparecerão advérbios em outras partes da frase, principalmente na língua falada. Em lições futuras voltaremos a ver mais adverbs.

i-Pocket Pod! Em homenagem ao grande ídolo pop do mundo, leia o texto abaixo sobre Michael Jackson. Preencha as lacunas com os verbos no passado e depois confira suas respostas.

The Bio History of Michael Joseph Jackson (1 begin) when he (2 be) born on the 29th of August 1958 in Gary, Indiana. He (3 be) the 7th of nine children. (brothers: Sigmund "Jackie", Toriano "Tito", Jermaine, Marlon, Steven "Randy", and sisters Rebbie, Janet and La-Toya Jackson.

In 1968 the Bobby Taylor and The Vancouvers
(4 discover) the Jackson five and from there they (5 get) an audition for Berry Gordy of Motown Records. The Jackson 5 (6 sign) for Motown and  (7 move)  to California. Their first 4 singles, "I Want You Back", "ABC", "The Love You Save", and "I'll Be There" all made US No1 hits. The Jackson 5  (8 record) 14 albums and Michael (9 record) 4 solo albums with Motown.

The Jackson 5
(10 stay) with Motown until 1976, wanting more artistic freedom they (11 feel) they (12 have) to move on and (13 sign) up with Epic. The group name Jackson 5 (14 have) to be changed as it (15 be) owned by Motown, so they (16 revert) to The Jacksons as they had be known in the early days. Brother Jermaine
(17 marry) Berry Gordy's daughter and (18 stay) with Motown. Youngest brother Randy (19 join) in his place. The Jacksons (20 have) a number of hit records and in total (21 make) 6 albums between the years of 1976 and 1984.

In 1977 Michael
(22 make) his first film debut when he (23 star) in the musical 'The Wiz' playing Scarecrow with Diana Ross in the lead role of Dorothy. It (24 be) at this time Michael (25 meet) Quincy Jones who was doing the score for the film.

(26 team) up with Quincey Jones as his producer for his first solo album with Epic Records. The album titled "Off The Wall" (27 be) a big success around the world and the first ever album to release a record breaking 4 No1 singles in the US.

In 1982 Michael Jackson
(28 release) the world's largest selling album of all time, 'Thriller'. This album (29 produce) 7 hit singles, breaking yet again more records, and (30 go) on to sell over 50 million copies worldwide. Michael (31 be) keen to use music video or short films as he (32 call) them to promote his singles from the album. He (33 work) with the best directors and producers, using the latest technology and special effects for the hit song 'Billie Jean' The short film 'Thriller' (34 use) the latest make-up artists technolgy combined with fantastic dancing and cherography, to produce a 14 minute video, with a start, a middle and an ending. So successful was this video that 'The Making Of Michael Jackson's Thriller' (35 become) the world's largest selling home video combined with soaring album sales. In 1983 Michael (36 perform) the now legendary moonwalk for the first time on the 'Motown 25 years' anniversary show. This performance alone set Michael undoubtable into the realm of a superstar.

In 1984 Michael
(37 win) a record breaking 8 Grammy awards in one night. The awards (38 be) for his work on the 'Thriller' album and his work on the narrative for the 'ET Storybook'.

On December 9th 1984 at the last concert of the Jackson's Victory Tour, Michael
(39 announce) he was splitting from the group and going solo.

In 1987 Michael
(40 release) his much awaited third solo album, titled 'Bad', and (41 launch) his record breaking first solo world tour. 1988, Michael (42 write) his first autobiography, Moonwalk, talking for the first time on his childhood and his career. At the end of the 1980s Michael was named 'Artist Of The Decade' for his success off of his 'Thriller' and 'Bad' albums.

In 1991 Michael signed with Sony Music the largest ever recording contract and released his fourth solo album, 'Dangerous'. He
(43 tour) world again in 1992, taking his concerts to countries that had never before been visited by a pop/rock artist. Also Michael founded the 'Heal the World Foundation' to help improve the lives of children across the world.

In 1994 Michael
(44 marry) Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of rock legend Elvis Presley. The marriage only (45 last) for 19 months, as they divorced in 1996.

(46 see) Michael release a fifth solo album, 'History', which was a double album, first half new material and second half half greatest hits. Michael toured again over a legs covering a 2 year period. In between legs of the tour on November 14th 1996, Michael married for his second time to Debbie Rowe who was a nurse that Michael had met in the treatment of his skin pigment disorder. Together they (47 have) their first child Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr born on February 13 1997 and a daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson born on April 3rd 1998.

In 1997 Michael released the remix album 'Blood On The Dance Floor' which also contained 5 new song linked with a 38min film "Ghosts". This film Michael
(48 play) 5 roles using the latest special effects and make-up artistry, combined with his dance and music.

In September, 2001 Michael
(49 celebrate) his 30th anniversary as a solo artist with two concerts to be held in New York, USA. Many artists such as Whitney Houston, Usher, Destinys Child, Shaggy and many more performed there own and Michael Jacksons past songs. Michael then reunited with all of his brothers and performed there biggest hits. Michael then (50 go) onto perform solo some of his biggest hits.

In October 2001 Michael released the album 'Invincible' releasing only 2 singles including the big hit "You Rock My World". Shortly after the albums release there were rumours of a rift with Sony Music and a clear lack of promotion of the album. The second single "Cry" was released with a very poor music video which did not feature Michael and no other singles were released.

In November 2003 a new single "One More Chance" was released as a single and was also a track on new compilation album "Number Ones".

In March 2009, Michael announced a shock comeback tour at the O2 Arena in London to start in July 2009, intially for 10 dates but the total
(51 grow) to a sold out 50 dates with over 750,000 tickets sold. All sold tickets sold out within minutes of being released.

On June 25th 2009 Michael Jackson
(52 die) suddenly of a reported cardiac arrest. He was 50 years old. 



1 began 14 had 27 was 40 released
2 was 15 was 28 released 41 launched
3 was 16 reverted 29 produced 42 wrote
4 discovered 17 married 30 went 43 toured
5 got 18 stayed 31 was 44 married
6 signed 19 joined 32 called 45 lasted
7 moved 20 had 33 worked 46 saw
8 recorded 21 made 34 used 47 had
9 recorded 22 made 35 became 48 played
10 stayed 23 starred 36 performed 49 celebrated
11 felt 24 was 37 won 50 went
12 had 25 met 38 were 51 grew
13 signed 26 teamed 39 annonced 52 died

Veja o vídeo da música "Thriller", Michael Jackson no i-Pocket Pod abaixo e depois ouça a música novamente cantando para aprender a pronúncia das palavras. Cheque a tradução depois.


It's close to midnight
something evil's lurkin' in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer
Thriller tonight, yeah

You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
Girl, but all the while
You hear a creature creepin' up behind
You're outta time

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
There ain't no second chance
Against the thing with the forty eyes, girl
(Thriller night)
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer
Thriller tonight

Night creatures call
And the dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time
(They're open wide)
This is the end of your life

They're out to get you
There's demons closing in on every side
They will possess you
Unless you change that number on your dial
Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
All through the night
I'll save you from the terror on the screen
I'll make you see

That this is thriller
Thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more
Than any ghost would ever dare try
(Thriller night)
So let me hold you tight
And share a
(killer, diller, chiller)
(Thriller here tonight)

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
Girl, I can thrill you more
Than any ghost would ever dare try
(Thriller night)
So let me hold you tight
And share a
(killer, thriller)

I'm gonna thrill you tonight

[Vincent Price]
Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'all's neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell

I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller, thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller night, thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Ooh, babe, I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller night, babe

[Vincent Price]
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
for no mere mortal can resist
the evil of the thriller


É quase meia-noite
Algo maligno está espreitando na escuridão
Sob a luz da lua
Você vê algo que quase para seu coração
Você tenta gritar
Mas o terror lhe tira a voz antes
Você começa a congelar
E o horror te olha bem nos olhos
Você está paralisado

Porque isto é terror
Noite de terror
E ninguém vai te salvar
Do monstro prestes a atacar
Você sabe que é terror
Noite de Terror
Você está lutando por sua vida
Em uma assassina
Noite de terror, yeah

Você escuta a porta bater
E percebe que não há mais para onde correr
Você sente a mão fria
E imagina se verá o sol mais uma vez
Você fecha seus olhos
E tem esperança de que isso seja só imaginação
Garota, mas enquanto isso
Você escuta uma criatura se rastejando por trás
Você está sem tempo

Porque isto é terror
Noite de terror
Não há segunda chance
Contra a coisa com quarenta olhos, garota
(Noite de Terror)
Você está lutando por sua vida
Em uma assassina
Noite de terror, yeah

Criaturas da noite chamam
E os mortos começam a andar em seus disfarces
Não há escapatória das presas do alien desta vez
(Elas estão abertas)
Este é o fim da sua vida

Eles estão lá fora pra te pegar
Há demônios se aproximando por todos os lados
Eles te possuirão
A não ser que você mude o número da estação
Agora é a hora
Para você e eu nos abraçarmos apertado, sim
Por toda a noite
Eu vou te salvar to terror na tela
Eu lhe farei ver

Que isto é o terror
Noite de terror
Porque eu posso te aterrorizar mais
Do que qualquer fantasma poderia ousar tentar
(Noite do terror)
Então me deixe te abraçar forte
E compartilhar um
(assassino, assustador, arrepiante)
(Terror aqui hoje à noite)

Porque isto é terror
Noite de terror
Porque eu posso te aterrorizar mais
Do que qualquer fantasma poderia ousar tentar
(Noite do terror)
Então me deixe te abraçar forte
E compartilhar um
(assassino, terror)

Eu vou te aterrorizar hoje à noite

[Vincent Price]
A escuridão cai sobre a terra
A hora da meia-noite está próxima
Criaturas rastejam em busca de sangue
Para aterrorizar sua vizinhança
Em quem quer que seja encontrado
Sem uma alma para oferecer
Deve permanecer e enfrentar os caçadores do inferno
E apodrecer dentro de um cadáver

Eu vou te aterrorizar hoje à noite
(Terror, terror)
Eu vou te aterrorizar hoje à noite
(Noite de terror, terror)
Eu vou te aterrorizar hoje à noite
Ooh, querida, Eu vou te aterrorizar hoje à noite
Noite de terror, querida

[Vincent Price]
O fedor abominável está no ar
O ranço de quarenta mil anos
E zumbis grisalhos de todas as tumbas
Estão se aproximando para selar seu destino
E apesar de você lutar para sobreviver
Seu corpo começa a sentir calafrios
Pois nenhum mero mortal pode resistir
À malevolência do terror

Pocket Quiz! Faça o Quiz abaixo e veja se você consegue se lembrar dos verbos irregulares no passado. Você tem apenas 10 minutos para escrever 50 verbos... Será que você consegue?!

Os exercícios desta e das demais lições estão na seção DOWNLOADS ao lado direito do blog. 
Baixe-os e reforce seu aprendizado.

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Come back to the next lesson.

Roberto Santos


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