Monday, June 21

L 0024: Homonyms & Future

Vocabulary! Assim como no Português, no Inglês temos palavras que possuem a mesma grafia ou pronúncia, mas significação diferente. Essas palavras são chamadas de homonyms (homônimas).  Veja algumas palavras do nosso idioma: 

incipiente (=iniciante) e insipiente (=ignorante)
conserto (=reparo) e concerto (=apresentação musical)
 são (=verbo ser), são (=sadio) e são (=santo)

Veja agora alguns homonyms em Inglês, para ouvir a prónuncia basta clicar no player abaixo. A pronúncia é a mesma para cada grupinho de palavras. Repita quantas vezes julgar necessário e preste atenção ao significado das palavras:


aid – dar assistência (ajudar)
aide - assistente

aisle - corredor (avião / teatro...)
I’ll – eu (abreviação para futuro)
isle - ilha

allowed - permitido
aloud – em voz alta

ant – formiga
aunt – tia

arc - arco
ark – arca de Noé

ate – comer (passado)
eight – oito

bare - nú / sem proteção
bear – urso

berry – fruto, grão
bury – enterrar

base – base
bass – baixo (intrumento musical)

be – ser / estar
bee – abelha

beach – praia
beech – tipo de árvore

beat - bater
beet – beterraba

berth – ancorar
birth – nascimento

bite - morder
byte – 8 bits (computador)

blew – soprar (passado)
blue – azul

boar - tipo de porco
bore – aborrecer

buoy - bóia
boy – menino

brake – breque
break – quebrar

bread – pão
bred – procriar (passado)

brows - sombracelhas (eyebrows)
browse – folhear, passear

buy - comprar
by - por, perto de
bye – tchau

cell – cela (prisão)
sell - vender

cereal – cereal
serial - seriado

cite - citar
site - local
sight - avistar / vista

council - conselho (grupo)
counsel - aconselhar

creak - ranger
creek – riacho

crews - tripulações
cruise – cruzeiro

dear - querido (a)
deer – veado

dew – orvalho
do - fazer
due - devido

die – morrer
dye - tingir cabelo

ewe – ovelha (feminino)
you - você (s)

eye – olho
I - eu

fair - justo
fare - tarifa

fairy – fada
ferry - balsa

faze - causar impacto
phase - fase

feat – façanha, feito
feet – pés

fir – tipo de árvore
fur – pele (animal)

flea – pulga
flee - fugir / desaparecer

flew – voar (passado)
flu – gripe

flour – farinha
flower – flor

for – por / para (preposição)
fore - dianteiro
four – quatro

forth - adiante
fourth – quarto (número)

knew – saber (passado)
new – novo

hair – cabelo
hare – lebre

hall - salão / corredor
haul - puxar / fretar

hay – feno
hey – ei (interjeição)

heal - curar
heel – calcanhar

hi - oi
high – alto

hoarse - rouco (a)
horse – cavalo

hole - buraco
whole - inteiro

holey – esburacado
holy - sagrado / divino
wholly - inteiramente

hour – hora
our – nossa (s) / nosso (s)

knead - misturar / massagear
need - necessidade

knight – cavaleiro
night - noite

knot – nó
not - não

know – saber
no – não

made – fazer (passado)
maid - empregada

mail - correspondência
male – masculino

marry – casar

merry – alegre / contente

meat – carne
meet - encontrar

oar – remo
or - ou
ore - minério

one - um
won – ganhar (passado)

overdo – exceder
overdue – vencido / tardio

pail - balde
pale – pálido

pain - dor
pane – vidro

peace - paz
piece - pedaço

peak – pico
peek - espiar

plain - simples / comum
plane – avião

pole - poste
poll - pesquisa

pray – rezar
prey - presa

principal – o mais importante
principle - princípio  

rain – chuva
rein - rédeas / tomar as rédeas / controlar

rap - bater de leve
wrap – embrulhar

real - real
reel - carretel / bobina

right – correto
write - escrever

ring - anel
wring - forçar / obrigar

role - papel (função)
roll - rolo / enrolar

rose - rosa
rows - fileiras

sail – velejar
sale – liquidação / venda

scene - cenário (vista)
seen - ver (past participle)

sea – mar
see – ver

seam – costurar
seem - parecer

sole - único / sola
soul - alma

some – alguns / algumas
sum - soma

steal - roubar
steel - aço

tail – rabo (animal)
tale - conto (estória)

their – deles (as)
there – ali / lá
they’re – eles são / elas são (abreviado) 

to - para (preposição)
too - também

two - dois

wail - lamentar-se
whale – baleia

waist – cintura
waste - gastar

wait – esperar
weight – peso

warn - avisar / alertar
worn - vestir (past participle)

way - caminho
weigh – pesar

we - nós
wee - pequenino

weak – fraco
week – semana

weather - temperatura (clima)
whether - se

which - que
witch – bruxa

your – seu (s) / sua (s)
you’re – você é / vocês são (abreviado) 

Practice! Ouça o ditado abaixo e tente escrever as frases conforme você vai ouvindo. Depois cheque suas respostas clicando em check:






















Grammar! Hoje você aprenderá a usar a forma mais básica do Simple Future. No Inglês há diversas maneiras de expressar o futuro, mas basicamente usamos os verbos "auxiliares" going to ou will para isso.

Antes de você ler as explicações tente resolver o exercício abaixo. Para cada frase escolha uma opção assinalando um x na opção desejada. Depois confira suas respostas:

1. I feel really tired. I think I ______ go to bed.


'm going to

2. Where are you going?

I ______ visit a customer.


'm going to

3. Do you want me to help you?

No thanks. John ______ help me.


's going to

4. Would you prefer tea or coffee?

I ______ have some coffee, please.


'm going to

5. Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?

Good idea. I ______ bring some wine.


'm going to

6. I've already decided. I ______ buy a new car


'm going to

7. What are your plans for next week?

I ______ to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I haven't bought my ticket yet.


'm going to

8. What are your plans for the holidays?

I ______ visit my parents for a few days and then go walking in Scotland.


'm going to

9. Why are you wearing your best suit?

I ______ have lunch with my biggest customer.


'm going to

10. Do you want to have the chicken or the beef?

I think ______ have the beef.


'm going to

11. My head hurts.

Sit down and I ______ get you an aspirin.


'm going to

12. We need some more ink for the printer.

I ______ go to the shop and get some.


'm going to

13. Look! There's smoke coming out of the photocopier.

You turn it off and I ______ phone the safety officer


'm going to

14. I cannot see how to use this spreadsheet.

Don't worry. I ______ help you.


'm going to

15. I need to speak to you today.

I'm going out now but I ______ be back later.


'm going to

16. Did you phone Michael?

I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I ______ do it now.


'm going to

17. Can you help me with this? I don't understand.

I ______ give you a hand as soon as I've finished this.


'm going to

18. That's much too heavy for one person. I ______ give you a hand.


'm going to

19. Could somebody answer the phone?

I ______ get it.


'm going to

20. It's really hot in here.

I ______ put on the air-conditioning.


'm going to

1.a - 2.b - 3.b - 4.a - 5.a - 6.b - 7.b - 8.b - 9.b - 10.a - 11.a - 12.a - 13.a - 14.a - 15.a - 16.a - 17.a - 18.a - 19.a - 20.a

Conseguiu acertar todas? Se ainda não deu para acertar todas leia as explicações abaixo e tente entender porquê você cometeu os erros.

Em muitos casos tanto going to quanto will podem ser usados sem mudar muito o sentido da frase. Entretanto é sempre bom ter em mente que going to passa uma maior confiança sobre o que estamos relatando sobre o futuro enquanto will passa uma ideia de previsão, geralmente vindo seguido dos verbos think, suppose, believe...  

Going to quando usado para fazer previsões requer que se tenha uma evidência. Por exemplo, você olha para o céu e ele está escuro em pleno dia, você deduz que irá chover, então você diz "It's going to rain." Caso você esteja prevendo algo sobre o final de semana, mas não tem evidência nenhuma, então você dirá "It will rain on the weekend."  

Quando decisões são tomadas anteriormente usa-se going to. Por exemplo, hoje é quinta-feira e você já sabe o que fará no final de semana, então uma amiga te pergunta o que será do seu final de semana e você diz "I'm going to spend some time with my friends." Mas vamos supor que você não tenha planejado nada e naquele momento você toma uma decisão, então você dirá "I will go to the beach." Neste caso dizemos que going to é usado para decisões já tomadas e will decisões tomadas no momento. Veja algumas frases do exercício acima:

I feel really tired. I think I will go to bed.

Nesta frase a pessoa toma a decisão de ir para a cama naquele momento, veja que temos o verbo think também como indicador de uma incertaza.

"Where are you going?" "I 'm going to visit a customer."
Neste pequeno dialógo entende-se que a pessoa já havia planejado visitar um cliente, por isso o uso do going to.

"Do you want me to help you?" "No thanks. John is going to help me."
Neste pequeno diálogo entende-se que a pessoa recusou a ajuda da outra pois uma outra pessoa já iria ajudá-la, ou seja, já havia uma decisão anterior.

"Would you prefer tea or coffee?" "I will have some coffee, please."
Neste pequeno diálogo foi oferecido café ou chá para uma pessoa, a pessoa decidiu naquele momento que tomaria café, por isso o uso de will.

"Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?" "Good idea. I will bring some wine."
Neste pequeno diálogo foi feito um convite onde a pessoa toma naquele momento a decisão de levar vinho para a casa do amigo, por isso o uso de will.

I've already decided. I 'm going to buy a new car

Nesta frase a pessoa de início já fala que havia tomado a decisão de comprar um carro novo, por isso o uso de going to.

"What are your plans for next week?" "I 'm going to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I haven't bought my ticket yet."
Neste pequeno diálogo entende-se que a pessoa realmente já havia planejado sua próxima semana, por isso o uso de going to.

Pay attention! O verbo going to sempre virá seguido do verbo to be. Veja:

I am going to play soccer tomorrow.
Are you going to visit your parents tonight?
She isn't going to use the computer. 

O verbo will nunca virá acompanhado da preposição to. Veja:

I will not tolerate this.
Will you come tomorrow?
I won't pay this. (= will not) 

É muito comum em músicas ou mesmo ao falar que se aglutine going com to ficando gonna, o mesmo ocorre com outras palavras. Esse processo no Inglês e conhecido como reduced forms. Veja:

Standard English
Reduced Form
cos / kus 
 "I don't wanna go to the party, kuz it sounds boring."
bet you
 "I betcha can't eat ten hot dogs!"
could have + consonant
 "You kuda gone with me, if you'd told me in plenty of time."
could have + vowel
 "I was so hungry, I kudav eaten a horse."
did you
 "Didja like the film?"
don't you doncha "Doncha know?"
get you
 "I'll getcha a drink."
give me
 "Gimme all your money!"
going to + verb
 "I'm gonna do my homework now."
got you
 "I gotcha that candy bar you asked for."
has to
 "He hasta know how much he means to me."
have to
 "I hafta clean the house before I go out."
how are you + verb
 "Howarya doin'?"
I don't know
I dunno
 "I dunno what to think about that."
kind of + consonant
 "I'm kinda worried about that test."
kind of + vowel kindav  "This book is kindav interesting."
kinds of + consonant
 "What kindsa clothes does that shop sell?"
kinds of + vowel kindsav  "Look at all those different kindsav oranges for sale!"
let me
 "Lemme in!"
lot of + consonant
 "I've got a lotta respect for that guy."
lot of + vowel lottav  "There were a lottav English people at the party."
lots of + consonant
 "There were lottsa different nationalities in that chat room."
lots of + vowel lottsav  "There were lottsav interesting things to see and do."
might have + consonant
 "I mighta gone with him if he'd invited me"
might have + vowel
 "She mightav agreed to come if you'd been nicer to her." 
must have + consonant
 "I musta walked past her without even seeing her."
must have + vowel
 "She mustav intended to dump him before his birthday."
ought to
 "You oughta know more about that than me."
should have + consonant
 "I shoulda studied harder for the exam".
should have + vowel
 "He really shouldav opened up about his feelings."
should not have + consonant
"Where is she?  She shouldn'a taken that long!" 
should not have + vowel
 "She shouldn'tav ignored you like that."
want to
"I wanna go home."
what are you + gerund whatcha "Whatcha doin'?"
what do you + verb
"Whaddaya wanna do today?"
would have + consonant
"I woulda done the dishes if you'd asked me."
would have + vowel
"I wouldav asked you to do it, if I'd thought you would."
what is the matter wassamatta "Wassammatta witcha? (with you)

i-Pocket Pod! Você conhece o grupo ABBA? Leia um pouco sobre eles e depois faça a atividade proposta.

ABBA was a Swedish pop music group formed in Stockholm in 1972, consisting of Anni-Frid "Frida" Lyngstad, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson and Agnetha Fältskog. Throughout the band's existence, Fältskog and Ulvaeus were a married couple, as were Lyngstad and Andersson - although both couples later divorced. They became one of the most commercially successful acts in the history of popular music, and they topped the charts worldwide from 1972 to 1982.

ABBA gained international popularity employing catchy song hooks, simple lyrics, sound effects (reverb, phasing) and a Wall of Sound achieved by overdubbing the female singers' voices in multiple harmonies. As their popularity grew, they were sought after to tour Europe, Australia, and North America, drawing crowds of ardent fans, notably in Australia. Touring became a contentious issue, being particularly cumbersome for Fältskog, but they continued to release studio albums to widespread commercial success. At the height of their popularity, however, both relationships began suffering strain that led ultimately to the collapse of first the Ulvaeus-Fältskog marriage (in 1979) and then of the Andersson-Lyngstad marriage in 1981. In the late 1970s and early 1980s these relationship changes began manifesting in the group's music, as they produced more thoughtful, introspective lyrics with different compositions.

ABBA remains a fixture of radio play lists and is one of the world's best-selling bands, having sold over 375 million records worldwide, making them the fourth best-selling popular music artists in the history of recorded music. They still sell two to three million records a year. ABBA was also the first pop group from [a non English speaking country] to enjoy consistent success in the charts of English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Ireland, South Africa/Rhodesia, Australia and New Zealand. Their popularity in Latin America was also undeniable, as well as reaching the top of the charts in different countries like Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru among others, the band also released a compilation of their hit songs translated into Spanish. "Gracias por la musica" was released in 1980 to be followed by "ABBA ORO" in 1999.

After ABBA split, Andersson and Ulvaeus achieved success writing music for the stage while Lyngstad and Fältskog pursued individual solo careers with varying success. ABBA's music remained steadily popular until several films, notably Muriel's Wedding and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, revived interest in the group, spawning several tribute bands. In 1999, ABBA's music was adapted into the successful musical Mamma Mia! that toured worldwide and had a movie version released in 2008, becoming the highest grossing film in the UK at the time. The group was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on 15 March 2010. Only Benny Andersson and Anni-Frid Lyngstad were present to accept ABBA's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The group was inducted into the museum by Bee Gees members Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb.

Ouça a música "Gonna Sing You My Love Song" do ABBA no i-Pocket Pod abaixo e cante seguindo a letra.

You say she's been mad at you
Then you say you'll be patient, ooh
Still I see that she makes you blue
Come on, I'll give you consolation

Gonna sing you my love song, gonna bring you some light
Gonna make you feel happy every day of your life
Gonna sing you my love song, gonna make it all right
You're all I ever need, my darling

Just to be where you wanna be
So much fun we could have then, hmm
To be close for eternity
What a miracle to happen

Gonna sing you my love song, gonna sing it for you
Gonna give you sweet loving, gonna give myself too
Gonna sing you my love song, when I think about you
I know she doesn't make it easy
'Cause you don't please her like you please me

You're my life, you're my angel
You're my first, you're my last
Would she care if you lingered
For another night
Wanna hold you tight
We could make it right

Gonna sing you my love song, gonna bring you some light
Gonna make you feel happy every day of your life
Gonna sing you my love song, gonna make it all right
I know she doesn't make it easy
Gonna sing you my love song, gonna sing it for you
Gonna give you sweet loving, gonna give myself too
Gonna sing you my love song, when I think about you
You're all I ever need, my darling
And I would love to sing my love song
For you 

Os exercícios desta e das demais lições estão na seção DOWNLOADS ao lado direito do blog. 
Baixe-os e reforce seu aprendizado.

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Come back to the next lesson.

Roberto Santos


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