Sunday, September 13

L 0002: "Vestibular" & Verb To Be

Para fazer uma ótima prova de Inglês no vestibular ou em concursos é sempre bom ter um ótimo vocabulário. As provas atuais exigem mais interpretação de texto do que a gramática em si. Por um lado isso é muito bom, pois mostra a capacidade de compreensão da língua estrangeira do aluno, por outro, exige demais de alunos que muitas vezes não fazem cursos de idiomas fora da escola. Sabemos que aprender Inglês somente nos colégios não é suficiente pois as metodologias usadas não abrangem todas as habilidades linguísticas, e saber traduzir palavras não significa dominar um idioma, principalmente o Inglês onde muitos vocábulos têm mais de uma tradução.

Faça esse teste abaixo. Anote as respostas em um pedaço de papel e depois as confira as respostas ao final do teste. Todas as questões abaixo foram retiradas de testes de vestibulares:

1 - (UFMT-2006/2) Sobre os sentidos do texto, marque V para as afirmativas verdadeiras e F para as falsas.

( ) A figura dos três cães e a expressão ao lado de cada uma podem ser entendidas como “Não importa como sejam os cães”.
( ) The Canine Company exige a presença do veterinário para atestar a saúde do cão no ato de seu registro.
( ) Em Thank you for your cooperation, The Canine Company agradece aos proprietários dos cães pela colaboração.
( ) É proposta de The Canine Company treinar, higienizar e alojar cães.

Assinale a sequência correta. 

a) V, V, F, V
b) V, F, F, F
c) F, V, F, V
d) V, F, V, V
e) F, F, V, F

2 - (Unesp-2009) Leia os textos abaixo para responder a questão:

Brazilian ethanol is not causing deforestation

Ethanol production in Brazil is not causing deforestation in the Amazon region, says Peter Zuurbier, Associate Professor and Director of the Latin America Office of Wageningen University, the world’s leading center of expertise on tropical agriculture.

According to him, the notion often held by NGO’s that sugarcane is displacing cattle and soybean production into the Amazon is inaccurate. “The real problem lies in illegal deforestation and lack of property rights, as around 50 percent of the Amazon region has disputed titles and this is an invitation for timber companies,” he says.

Prof. Zuurbier tries to explain a dynamic process between illegal activities in the Amazon rainforest and the expansion of agricultural lands towards that region. NGO’s often state that sugarcane production is displacing cattle and soybean production towards and into the Amazon, burning down the area to make it suitable for agriculture and pastures.

According to Zuurbier, however, the process is slightly different. “Well organized groups and corporations with questionable land titles, but also official land owners began to chop down large acreages of forest to trade timber, both legally and illegally,” he says. “Usually, after the empty strips of land were abandoned, cattle owners would move into these cheap lands. However, after 3 to 4 years of cattle breeding, the thin soil of the Amazon is completely useless without any form of fertilization and livestock owners usually move into the next abandoned area. Soybean farmers meanwhile replace the livestock in these areas, recognizing the opportunity to fertilize the area for soybean production.”

Prof. Zuurbier says the cause of deforestation and agricultural production in or near the Amazon, is simply illegal deforestation itself. According to him, the fact that Brazil still has questionable land titles, no set-aside policy and great difficulty to enforce existing laws to counter illegal timber trade, are the real reasons why the Amazon rainforest is in danger.

(Ethanol Statistics - January 21st 2008, Wageningen-expert-Brazilian)

Coasting on Past Glory

The Amazon is still largely intact, but the future hinges on decisions being made now.

From the window of a Boeing, few countries are greener than Brazil. Since much of this vast territory in the heart of South America is still unpeopled and unblemished, it’s not surprising that Brazil looks good against the backdrop of a mistreated planet. It ranks 34th of 149 nations in Yale and Columbia’s Environmental Performance Index – greener than Ireland (35th) and the United States (39th). But how long will the country be able to hold on to this favorable score?

To get a better look, you have to go to 9,000 meters, the altitude from which the NASA remote-sensing satellites sweep the earth. Every year, scientists at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) pore over satellite images to produce the most detailed survey of deforestation of any nation in the world. Such candor has won Brazil kudos, but also criticism. Brazil is the fourth biggest contributor of greenhouse gases globally, of which 75 percent comes from the felling and burning of forests.

So when data released by INPE in late May showed that 5,850 square kilometers of forest (an area larger than Brunei) had disappeared from August 2007 to April 2008 – a 17 percent spike from the year before – the planet took notice. “Brazil has a fantastic endowment from nature but is failing when it comes to managing it,” says Judicael Clevelario Junior, head of environmental studies at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the census bureau.

Brazil’s green laurels are not an illusion. Four fifths of its electric power comes from hydroelectric plants. It is the world leader in biofuels – nearly 30 percent of its cars run on ethanol. The trouble is that these virtues reflect sound decisions made in the 1970s, during the ambitious military government of Gen. Ernesto Geisel. Brazil has not always followed them up.

(…) Fortunately, Brazil has options. Its booming economy is not beholden to coal-fired power plants, and the rain forest is still largely intact. “Brazil has a rare opportunity to transform itself into a rich country and still maintain its natural capital,” says Clevelario Jr. If it can go back to its old habit of making the right environmental moves.
(Newsweek, July 14th 2008,

De acordo com os dois textos, é possível afirmar que:

a) as áreas verdes ainda existentes mantêm o Brasil emuma situação invejável em relação a vários outros países, mesmo se continuarmos a desmatar a Amazônia para intensificar o plantio de cana-de-açúcar e soja.

b) o desmatamento da Amazônia é preocupante pois, além de gerar problemas internos de ordem econômica, política e social, por exemplo, também contribui para agravar a situação ambiental do planeta.

c) como temos desmatado grandes áreas da floresta Amazônica para desenvolvimento da agricultura, nossas plantações têm sido responsabilizadas por especialistas internacionais pela geração de 75% dos gases que provocam o efeito estufa global.

d) o Brasil tem encontrado um ótimo equilíbrio ambiental ao aproveitar as áreas desmatadas para a expansão da lavoura. Para mantê-lo, contudo, é necessária a adoção de políticas que controlem o desmatamento e a agricultura.

e) a grande preocupação ambiental de especialistas da NASA e das universidades de Yale e Colúmbia reside no fato de que o Brasil possui muito mais áreas verdes do que os Estados Unidos e que, portanto, pode desenvolver mais a sua agricultura.

3 - (UFMG-2007)

Political corruption 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In broad terms, political corruption is the misuse of public (governmental) power for illegitimate, usually secret, private advantage. All forms of government are susceptible to political corruption. Forms of corruption vary, but the most common are patronage, bribery, extortion, influence peddling, fraud, embezzlement, and nepotism. While corruption often facilitates criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and criminal prostitution, it is not restricted to these organized crime activities, and it does not always support or shield other crimes. What constitutes corruption differs depending on the country or jurisdiction. Certain political funding practices that are legal in one place may be illegal in another. In some countries, police and prosecutors have broad discretion over who to arrest and charge, and the line between discretion and corruption can be difficult to draw, as in racial profiling. In countries with strong interest group politics, practices that could easily constitute corruption elsewhere are sometimes sanctified as official group preferences.
Access: Apr. 2006.(Adapted)

According to the text, the notion of corruption:

a) changes from place to place.
b) constitutes legal activities.
c) reflects the official elections.
d) results in racial profiling.
e) none of the alternatives.


Last year my wife, Melinda, and I visited an AIDS clinic in Durban, South Africa. We met women who walked miles from nearby townships. When they arrived, they were greeted by a well-trained staff. There was an ample supply of antiretroviral drugs, which can help people with AIDS stay healthy for years. Patients were receiving counseling. As we chatted with one of the doctors in the clinic, it struck me: something was fundamentally different.

Nearly a decade ago, when Melinda and I started our foundation, we would go to sub-Saharan Africa or developing countries in other regions and see health workers struggling with broken equipment and empty medicine chests. We walked down dirty hallways packed with exhausted mothers holding sick children. (…) But that’s starting to change. Today governments, aid groups and communities are simply refusing to accept the notion that diseases like malaria and tuberculosis will haunt us forever. The evidence is in: these problems can be solved.

The world can point to a number of victories already. Smallpox is gone, of course, and polio nearly so. Thanks to the leadership of the Carter Center, we’ve virtually eliminated guinea-worm disease, an excruciatingly painful parasite that is ingested with tainted water. There are new treatments available for visceral leishmaniasis, also called black fever, which is second only to malaria as the world’s deadliest parasite killer.

[…] Some lifesaving solutions can be extremely simple – iodized salt to prevent stunted growth, for example, or oral rehydration solutions to fight diarrhea. Consider that one of the easiest ways to cut down on infant mortality is to keep babies warm and dry. Earlier this year, Save the Children recruited knitters through the internet to knit and crochet 280,000 caps for infants.

Other solutions will arise from pioneering research now underway. Researchers are hard at work developing vaccines that don’t need refrigeration or needles, which could make it easier and cheaper to deliver immunization in poor countries. Scientists are making important progress on new tools, like microbicide gels, to help women protect themselves against HIV. And clinical trials around the world are now testing what may be the greatest scientific breakthroughs of our time: vaccines for malaria, Tb and AIDS.

(…) At the same time, I’m amazed by the work of the Nothing But Nets campaign, which has managed through Web-based marketing to raise $13 million – mostly from young people – for insecticide-treated bed nets.

I believe we stand at a moment of unequaled opportunity. Governments must now step up to the plate with more money – wisely targeted – to expand effective global health programs to reach all those in need. Businesses, community groups and individuals all play a role as well. When Melinda and I visited that PEPFAR clinic in South Africa, we were thrilled to see the progress we’ve made against one deadly disease. I’m now more convinced than ever that we can create a healthier world for everyone. 

From: Newsweek, October - 2007

As to the AIDS clinic in Durban, we can say that it:

a) is a hundred miles away from nearby townships. 

b) has a well trained staff and a large supply of drugs to help people with AIDS. 

c) is packed with broken equipments and empty medicine chests.

d) uses microbicide gels to keep mosquitoes away. 

e) n.d.a.

5 - (UFG-2006) Responda à questão com base nos quadrinhos a seguir:


A resposta de Lucy a Charlie Brown subentende que ela é:

a) religiosa.
b) determinada.
c) caridosa.
d) presunçosa.
e) ingênua. 

6 - (UFG-2008) Leia o seguinte texto sobre gênero e responda à questão.

Since the 1950s, the term gender has been increasingly used to distinguish a social role (gender role) and/or personal identity (gender identity) from biological sex. Sexologist John Money wrote in 1955, “the term gender role is used to signify all those things that a person says or does to disclose himself or herself as having the status of boy or man, girl or woman, respectively. Elements of such a role include clothing, speech patterns, movement and other factors not solely limited to biological sex.

Many societies categorize all individuals as either male or female – however, this is not universal. Some societies recognize a third gender – for instance, the Two-Spirit people of some indigenous American peoples, and hijras of India and Pakistan – or even a fourth or fifth. Such categories may be an intermediate state between male and female, a state of sexlessness, or a distinct gender not dependent on male and female gender roles. Joan Roughgarden argues that in some non-human animal species, there can also be said to be more than two genders, in that there might be multiple templates for behavior available to individual organisms with a given biological sex.

There is debate over to what extent gender is a social construct and to what extent it is a biological construct. One point of view in the debate is social constructionism, which suggests that gender is entirely a social construct. Contrary to social constructionism is essentialism, which suggests that it is entirely a biological construct. Others’ opinions on the subject lie somewhere in between.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12 set. 2007. [Adaptado].

O objetivo do segundo parágrafo é evidenciar que:

a) os indivíduos são categorizados como homem ou mulher conforme as crenças religiosas de cada grupo social. 

b) os papéis de gênero se diferem do sexo biológico na espécie humana e em algumas espécies animais não-humanas. 

c) os estágios intermediários entre masculino e feminino são considerados uma fusão de ambos os sexos. 

d) a sexualidade e o comportamento de um indivíduo em diferentes sociedades são determinados pelo sexo biológico. 

e) em algumas espécies animais não-humanas há exemplos de indivíduos que sofrem mutação sexual.

7 - (Unemat-2008/1)
Madeleine McCann's parents return to U.K.

Couple, now suspects, deny involvement in disappearance of 4-year-old

05 McCann's father: 'Heartbreaking' return Sept. 9: The parents of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann have returned to the U.K. after being named suspects in their daughter's disappearance. Watch Gerry McCann's statement to the press upon the family's arrival on British soil.

CASTLE DONINGTON, England – A 15 British couple named as suspects in the disappearance of their 4-year-old daughter returned to England Sunday, days after being grilled by Portuguese police about new forensic evidence authorities believe ties them to the case.

Kate and Gerry McCann, who have strongly denied any involvement in the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, flew from Faro in southern Portugal with 25 their 2-year-old twins. The father said the couple wanted “to consider the events of the last few days, which have been so deeply disturbing.”

“While it is heartbreaking to return to the U.K. without Madeleine, it does not mean we are giving up the search for her,” Gerry McCann said on the airport tarmac in central England.


Analise as afirmações.

I. Os pais de Madeleine retornaram à Inglaterra, após serem considerados suspeitos pelo desaparecimento da filha. 

II. O casal MacCann foi preso pela polícia portuguesa, acusado pelo desaparecimento de Madeleine. 

III. As autoridades portuguesas acreditam que o casal MacCann possui algum envolvimento no caso Madeleine. 

IV. Os pais de Madeleine ainda não desistiram de encontrar a filha desaparecida na Inglaterra. 

V. Kate e Gerry MacCann foram considerados culpados pelo desaparecimento da sua filha Madeleine.

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

a) Apenas I, II e IV são verdadeiras.
b) Apenas III, IV e V são verdadeiras.
c) Apenas II e V são falsas.
d) Apenas III e IV são falsas.
e) Apenas II, IV e V são falsas.

8 - (Mackenzie-2009) 

Legend has it that a view gave rise to the name of Pernambuco’s first capital. In 1535 provincial lord Duarte Coelho, having climbed to the top of a hill, is believed to have said “Oh! Linda posição para uma vila!” The truth of this is anyone’s guess. By the same reasoning one would expect to find places like Poxaquebonita and Quelugarchique on the map – when in fact they do not exist. Still, the story is colorful – and gives you a destination this sunny morning: Alto da Sé, the hill from which Duarte Coelho supposedly waxed poetic.

So you tramp up Rua do Amparo. With Carnaval just days away, Olinda is as pretty as a flower garden in Spring. Cobblestone alleys branch off in interesting directions, but you stay on course. Time to explore later, you think. First the view…

The text states that:

a) Olinda was named after provincial lord Duarte Coelho.
b) the name “Olinda” may have been originated from a statement made by Duarte Coelho.
c) if you look carefully, you can find “Quelugarchique” on the map.
d) carnaval is taking place I Olinda right now.
e) in spring, Olinda is full of cobblestone alleys.

9 - (UEMS-2006) Understand the text that follows and designates the correct alternative:

No, I don't look on it as immoral. They go home to their nice little house, don't they, after I've taken their wallet off them? They sit in front of their television all comfortable on their sofa. Where's my television set, I ask you? Where are my sofa and armchairs, no matter how many cheap little wallets I might ever happen to steal?

But I never hurt anyone. Never. Not if I can help it. If I do hit a person because he tries to have a go at me, I'm really gentle. I smack him about a bit. I try to get him on the ground, and then I kick him a little bit just to keep him laying there while I get away...They deserve it, anyway – everything they get and more. They think they're so superior when you first come up to them.

(Excerto de Entrevista – Daily Mail)

The chunk to have a go at (3rd paragraph) may be understood as _________.

a) to confess
b) to report
c) to humiliate
d) to betray
e) to react 

1.d / 2.b / 3.a / 4.b / 5.d / 6.b / 7.e / 8. b / 9. e

Pay attention! Espero que todas suas respostas estejam corretas, caso não estejam não se desespere, com um pouco de dedicação você vai chegar lá. Como disse no início deste post, você deve ter percebido que em todas as questões é necessário ter um ótimo vocabulário, apesar das adaptações feitas por quem prepara as provas, ainda assim é necessário saber além do que se aprende na escola. É preciso estar antenado nas notícias internacionais. Na coluna do lado esquerdo do blog você encontrará links de jornais e outras fontes internacionais. Acesse sempre que possível. 

Vocabulary! É bem comum encontrarmos em provas de vestibular o que chamamos de false friends ou false cognates, são palavras que quando lidas se parecem com palavras do Português mas que significam coisas totalmente diferentes. Em muitas perguntas essas palavras aparecem para testar o aluno. 

Veja: lunch = almoço / snack = lanche 
Na primeira questão dos testes acima encontramos false cognates. Veja: 

"We want to ensure that your dogs and our premises remain healthy, so request current veterinerian shot records on every dog. Thank you for your cooperation."

* current = atual / corrente = chain (de prender); flowing (fluente)

* records = registros / recordar = remember 

* a palavra premises refere-se à local, loja e não premissa (neste caso premise), algumas palavras quando no plural mudam o seu significado. Outro exemplo é a palavra good (bom - adjetivo) a palavra goods torna-se um substantivo e significa bens materiais, mercadorias

Estude abaixo algumas dessas palavras. Para ouvir a pronúncia clique no player abaixo e siga lendo as palavras. Repita cada palavra duas ou mais vezes. Quanto mais repetições fizer, melhor!

(n) = noun / (v) = verb / (adj) = adjective / (adv) = adverb

actually (adv) - na verdade, de fato
atualmente - nowadays, today

anticipate (v) - prever; ficar na expectativa
antecipar - to bring / move forward

application (n) - inscrição, registro, uso
aplicação (financeira) - investment

appointment (n) - compromisso
apontamento - note

appreciation (n) - gratidão, reconhecimento

apreciação - judgement

argument (n) - discussão, bate boca
argumento - reasoning, point

assist (v) - ajudar, dar suporte
assistir - to attend, to watch

assume (v) - presumir

assumir - to take over

attend (v) - assistir, participar de

atender - to help; to answer; to see

audience (n) - platéia, público
audiência - court appearance; interview

balcony (n) - sacada

balcão - counter

baton (n) - batuta (música), cacetete
batom - lipstick

beef (n) - carne de gado
bife - steak

camera (n) - máquina fotográfica
câmara - tube (pneu), chamber (pessoas)

carton (n) - caixa de papelão
cartão - card

casualty (n) - fatalidade

casualidade - chance, fortuity

cigar (n) - charuto
cigarro - cigarette

collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira
colar - necklace

college (n) - faculdade, ensino de 3º grau
colégio (2º grau) - high school

commodity (n) - artigo, mercadoria
comodidade - comfort

competition (n) - concorrência
competição - contest

comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo
compreensivo - understanding

contest (n) - competição, concurso
contexto - context

convenient (adj) - prático
conveniente - appropriate

costume (n) - fantasia (roupa)
costume - custom, habit

data (n) - dados (números, informações)
data - date

deception (n) - engano
decepção - disappointment

defendant (n) - réu, acusado
advogado de defesa - defense attorney

design (v, n) - projetar, criar; projeto
designar - to appoint

editor (n) - redator
editor - publisher

educated (adj) - instruído
educado - well-mannered, polite

emission (n) - descarga (de gases, etc.)
emissão - issuing (of a document, etc.)

enroll (v) - inscrever-se, registrar-se
enrolar - to roll; to wind; to curl

eventually (adv) - finalmente
eventualmente - occasionally

exciting (adj) - empolgante
excitante - thrilling

exit (n, v) - saída, sair
êxito - success

expert (n) - especialista, perito
esperto - smart, clever

exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado
esquisito - strange, odd

fabric (n) - tecido
fábrica - plant, factory

genial (adj) - afável, aprazível
genial - brilliant

grip (v) - agarrar firme
gripe - cold, flu, influenza

hazard (n,v) - risco, arriscar
azar - bad luck

idiom (n) - expressão idiomática, linguajar
idioma - language

injury (n) - ferimento
injúria - insult

inscription (n) - gravação em relevo
inscrição - registration, application

intend (v) - pretender, ter intenção
entender - understand

intoxication (n) - embriaguez

intoxicação - poisoning

journal (n) - periódico, revista especializada
jornal - newspaper

lamp (n) - luminária

lâmpada - light bulb

large (adj) - grande, espaçoso
largo - wide

lecture (n) - palestra, aula
leitura - reading

legend (n) - lenda
legenda - subtitle

library (n) - biblioteca
livraria - book shop

location (n) - localização

locação - rental

lunch (n) - almoço
lanche - snack

magazine (n) - revista

magazine - department store

mayor (n) - prefeito
maior - bigger

medicine (n) - remédio, medicina
medicina - medicine

moisture (n) - umidade
mistura - mix, mixture, blend

notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se
notícia - news

novel (n) - romance
novela - soap opera

office (n) - escritório
oficial - official

parents (n) - pais
parentes - relatives

particular (adj) - específico, exato
particular - personal, private

pasta (n) - massa (alimento)
pasta - paste; folder; briefcase

policy (n) - política (diretrizes)
polícia - police

port (n) - porto
porta - door

prejudice (n) - preconceito
prejuízo - damage, loss

preservative (n) - conservante
preservativo - condom

pretend (v) - fingir

pretender - to intend, to plan

private (adj) - particular
privado - private

pull (v) - puxar
pular - to jump

push (v) - empurrar
puxar - to pull

range (v) - variar, cobrir
ranger - to creak, to grind

realize (v) - notar, perceber, dar-se conta
realizar - to make come true, to accomplish

recipient (n) - recebedor, agraciado
recipiente - container
record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravação
recordar - to remember, to recall
requirement (n) - requisito
requerimento - request, petition

resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar
resumir - summarize

résumé (n) - curriculum vitae, currículo

resumo - summary

retired (adj) - aposentado

retirado - removed, secluded

stranger (n) - desconhecido
estrangeiro - foreigner

stupid (adj) - burro
estúpido - impolite, rude

support (v) - apoiar
suportar (tolerar) - tolerate, can stand

tax (n) - imposto
taxa - rate; fee

trainer (n) - preparador físico

treinador - coach

turn (n, v) - vez, volta, curva; virar, girar
turno - shift; round

vegetables (n) - verduras, legumes
vegetais - plants

Pocket Quiz! Faça o quiz abaixo e teste quantos false cognates você já aprendeu.

Grammar! Vamos terminar de ver as formas no presente do verbo to be. Nesta lesson você aprenderá as formas negativas e interrogativas e também como responder perguntas.

Para formar a negativa com o verbo to be é simples, basta acrescentar "not" após o verbo. Veja também as formas abreviadas:

I am not a student. = I'm not a student.
You are not a teacher. = You aren't a teacher.
She is not an engineer. = She isn't an engineer.
He is not a policeman. = He isn't a policeman.
It is not a pencil. = It isn't a pencil.
We are not actors. = We aren't actors.
You are not accountants. = You aren't accountants.
They are not my dancers. = They aren't my dancers.

Para formar a interrogativa é ainda mais simples, basta inverter o verbo com o sujeito.

Am I an engineer?
Are you a dentist?
Is he a pilot?
Is she a model?
Is it a pen?
Are we photographers?
Are you plumbers?
Are they mechanics?

Para responder essas perguntas você pode dar respostas curtas ou completas.


Is she an actress?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn't.
Yes, she is an actress.
No, she isn't an actress. 

Não é comum fazer perguntas com "Am I...?", a menos que você esteja refletindo sobre sua própria vida. Lembrando que quando alguém pergunta "Are you...?", você deverá responder "I am..." (singular) ou "We are..." (plural).

Are you a student?
Yes, I am a student.
Am I a good person?
Yes, I am.
Are you friends?
No, we aren't.


i-Pocket Pod! Leia um pouco sobre a carreira de Britney Spears e depois faça a atividade proposta.  

Britney Jean Spears (born December 2, 1981) is an American singer and entertainer. Born in Mississippi Louisiana, Spears first appeared on national television in 1992 as a contestant on the Star Search program, and went on to star in Disney Channel's television series "The New Mickey Mouse Club" from 1993 to 1994 with fellow singer Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake. In 1997, Spears signed a recording contract with Jive, releasing her debut album "Baby One More Time" in 1999. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 with over 25 millions copies sold, and established her as a pop icon and "bona fide pop phenomenon", credited for influencing the revival of teen pop in the late 1990s.

In the years following her ascent to pop superstar, Spears's personal life has been a frequent subject of celebrity and tabloid journalism. Spears has been married twice, most notably to Kevin Federline, has two children, and was the subject of a reality TV show with Federline in "Britney & Kevin: Chaotic".
According to Zomba Label Group and Sony Music, Spears has sold over 85 million records worldwide. She is ranked as the eighth best-selling female recording artist in the U.S. with 35 million copies of her albums certified by the RIAA, and is currently the fifth best-selling artist act of the decade in the country, as well as the top-selling female artist. Spears is also ranked by Forbes 2009 issue as the 13th most powerful celebrity, and with earnings of over $35 million dollars in 2009, the 2nd-highest earning young musician of the year. 

*contestant: competidor, adversário
My best friend is one of the contestants in Big Brother Brasil.

*debut: estréia
His Broadway debut was "The Scarlet Pimpernel".

*twice: duas vezes
I study English twice a week.

*certified: certificado
She was certified as a teacher in 1990.

*powerful: poderoso , potente, vigoroso
He was the most powerful man in the world.

Ouça a música "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman" no i-Pocket Pod abaixo e complete as lacunas.

I used to
I had the to everything,
But I know
Life doesn't go my way, yeah...
Feels like I'm caught in the
That's when I ...

I'm not a girl,
Not yet a woman.
All I need is ,
A that is mine,
While I'm in between.

[Verse 2]
I'm not a girl,
There is no need to me.
It's time that I
to face up to this on my own.
I've seen so much than you know now,
So don't tell me to shut my .


I'm not a girl,
But if you at me closely,
You will it my eyes.
This girl will always her way.

I'm not a girl
(I'm not a girl don't tell me what to believe)
Not yet a woman
(I'm just trying to find the woman in me, yeah)
All I need is time (all I need),
A moment that is mine (that is mine),
While I'm in between.

I'm not a girl
Not yet a woman
All I need is time (all I need),
A moment that is mine,
While I'm in between.

I'm not a girl,
Not yet a woman.

Answers :
think / answers / now / always / middle / realize / time / moment / protect / learn / more / eyes / look / see / find

Os exercícios desta e das demais lições estão na seção DOWNLOADS ao lado direito do blog. 
Baixe-os e reforce seu aprendizado.

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Come back to the next lesson.

Roberto Santos


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